
Français | English

Research Program


The aim is to study the prosody of the different types of coordination in French based on corpus surveys and elicited corpora in the lab.

Current work:

  • - Contrastive analysis of the prosody of the different types of coordination (simplex, doubled, and paratactic: .... Pierre, Marie et Jacques / Et Pierre et Marie et Jacques / Pierre, Marie, Jacques ....). Elicitation of a corpus (in progress).
  • - Analysis of the prosody of coordinated sentences belonging to different clause types (Tu es un génie, mais qui le sait ? Viens ici et tu auras un beau cadeau ! Ce n'est pas dangereux mais sois prudent !)
  • - Analysis of coordinated structures with ellipsis. We first study the RNR construction (Frédéric apprécie mais François déteste, ce genre de films), which will be compared to the RNR in German and English.


Contact : or franç

See "ellipsis" group